Speaker Details


Dr Fatemeh Ranjbaran

UTAS-Nizwa, Oman

Integrating Technology to Enhance Student Learning and Motivation
The teaching fraternity has experienced significant challenges over the past two years and is now engaging in face-to-face teaching post-COVID. One of the challenges for teachers is engaging the students and motivating them to learn and stay focused in the classroom. Language educators across the globe are turning towards redesigning the way knowledge is delivered through methods and strategies in which digital tools are the key features. One effective platform to deliver an interactive and inclusive class is the easily accessible web-based tool, Mentimeter. This platform has the potential to enhance student participation and construct a collaborative and engaging learning environment. Through a technology-enhanced session simulation, the presenter will demonstrate how she has utilised this interactive platform with foundation-level students at a public university in Oman. Participants will be allowed to experience the first-hand benefits of technology-enhanced learning and observe the numerous benefits it offers.
Fatemeh Ranjbaran received her PhD in TEFL from the University of Tehran in 2017. She is currently an English instructor and Academic Coordinator at UTAS-Niwa in Oman. She has presented at many international conferences and published several research papers in reputable journals. Her research interests include assessment, CALL, and ESP.

Docklands Convention

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