Speaker Details


Dr. Misida Al Jahwari

College of Economics and Political Science, SQU, Oman

Effective Student Feedback in Higher Education
There are many challenges that researchers investigate in the teaching-learning relationship. One of these is student feedback. Feedback in one of the most misunderstood concepts in HE and it is also one of the ignored aspects of teaching (Winstone and Boud, 2022). Due to increasing concerns around student feedback, there has been a noticeable rise in the number of studies on student feedback since the early 2000s (Carless, 2021). Studies in general report the prevalent problems and offer practical solutions. The aim of the talk is to highlight the major concerns and challenges around student feedback and share solutions suggested by top researchers in the field on how to overcome these challenges and give more effective feedback to students.
Dr Misida Al Jahwari is an Assistant Professor of Organizational Change and HRM in the Department of Management, College of Economics and Political Science in Sultan Qaboos University, Oman. She 20 years of teaching experience in HE. She teaches Organizational Change, Organizational Theory and Design and HRM courses at undergraduate and postgraduatelevels. She supervises postgraduate research, serves as an external examiner in and outside the SQU, and reviews academic programs for licensing purposes. Dr. Misida is a member of national level and SQU level committees and is currently managing the restructuring of SQU (2021-2025).

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