7th iTech Marathon

15 - 16 March 2023


      Everywhere these days we hear about Artificial Intelligence, Smart Cities, Block Chain, or 5G networks; all those technologies are involved in our lives directly or indirectly. In order to cope with all these technologies, we should be aware of how we can use them and get benefit from them, or what is the theory behind it. All these revolutionary computer sciences shape the future of our countries. In order to share the awareness and the support we should focus on the youth people by equipping them with needful skills in a competitive atmosphere. And to be involved in making technical and intelligent solutions for real-time problems.



       As per UTAS strategic plan, goal 2 is to achieve Academic excellence. We have recognized the importance of achieving academic talent, to encourage students in achieving career appreciations. Student competitions play a key role in improving and achieving their academic goals. Challenge-based learning contributes to innovation and employability. To aim towards Oman’s Vision-2040, UTAS-Ibri proposes a series of activities under the title “7th iTech Marathon 2023”. The central theme of the ‘7th iTech Marathon 2023’ is to integrate knowledge acquired in previous/present courses, competitions, and innovations among students of higher educational institutions. Since 2014, The IT Department of UTAS-Ibri successfully conducting iTech Marathon that comprises of series of competitions among higher educations of the Sultanate. This academic year, the 7th iTech Marathon is proposed as a continuation of the previous series. In this version we add a new program “iTech Techno”, and the main goal of it is to make the students aware about the services offered by companies in Oman and what are the latest technologies they use.

iTech Marathon

Wed 15th March 2023
  • Any students in IT / Computer Science discipline from the University of Technology and Applied Sciences, Private Colleges, Private and/or Government Universities in Oman can register online and participate in the competition.
  • Participants must be currently active undergraduate students in the participating Institution.
  • Competition instructions will be given during the day in all designation venues.
  • Decisions of the Contest Chair and Board of Judges will be deemed final and irrevocable.
  • Each institute allowed to participate in every competition with two teams’ maximum.
  • The participants should bring their academic ID cards or registration letter.
  • The participants will be informed about the rules and the judgment criteria at the day of the competition.
  • The results of the competitions will be announced at the closing ceremony. And the prizes for the winners will also be felicitated at the same time.


      To provide a platform to students to demonstrate problem solving skills under constraint environment.

Code of contest:

      Solutions to problems submitted for judging are called runs. Each run is judged as accepted or rejected by a judge, and the team is notified of the results.

      Notification of accepted runs may be suspended at an appropriate time to keep the final results secret. A general announcement to that effect will be made during the contest. Notification of rejected runs will continue until the end of the contest.

      Contestants are not allowed to converse with anyone except members of their team and personnel designated by the contest chair. Systems Support Staff may advise contestants on system-related problems such as explaining system error messages.

      The contest is scheduled for a period of three (3) hours, however, the contest chair, after consultation with other team coaches may alter the length of the contest in the event of unforeseen difficulties.

      A team may be disqualified by the contest chair for any activity that jeopardizes the contest such as unauthorized modification of contest materials, or distracting behavior.

Computing Environment:

      The programming languages of the contest will include C++ (CodeBlocks compiler), Java (JDK1.8 with NetBeans 8.1) and Python 3.1 (Jupyter Notebook)

      Each team will use a single workstation. The contest chair is responsible for determining that teams have reasonably equivalent computing resources.

      After the registration for the contest, contestants will be presented with a demonstration of the submission procedures in the provided environment.


  • A team comprises of 2 contestants.
  • The contest comprises of 5 to 8 problems.
  • A problem is solved when it is accepted by the judges.
  • The judges are solely responsible for accepting or rejecting submitted runs.
  • In consultation with the judges, the Contest Chair determines the winners of the contest.
  • The contest Chair and judges are empowered to adjust for or adjudicate unforeseen events and conditions.
  • Teams are ranked according to the most problems solved. For the purposes of awards, teams who solve the same number of problems are ranked by least total time.
  • The total time is the sum of the time consumed for each problem solved. The time consumed for a solved problem is the time elapsed from the beginning of the contest to the submittal of the accepted run. There is no time consumed for a problem that is not solved.
  •  It is the responsibility of the Contest Chair to specify any additional tie-breakers. Tie-breaker policies must be announced to contestants before the contest begins.
  • The decisions of the Contest Chair and Judges will be deemed final and irrevocable.


      To foster programming skills and UI designing. The students will be asked to find out a practical solution for a given real-time problem by building a mobile application.

      During the competition, the organizers will distribute the problems to the teams and they have to design and develop a mobile application that solves the given problem, within 3 hours. When the challenge time out the judges will come to the teams to evaluate their work.

Environment: Android Studio


  • The team should consist of 1-2 students
  • The participants are not allowed to use any kind of external resources such as internet access and reuse a pre written code.
  • The participants are not allowed to use mobile phones laptops or storage devises. during the competition.
  • Supervisors are allowed to enter the venue after 15 minutes from disrupting the problems and they will stay for guidance for 10 min.


     To test students’ problem-solving skills in Mathematics by using mathematical or statistical tools.

Competition Mechanism:

     There will be two parts in the quiz.

     Part-1: There will be 10 MCQ or short answer questions.

     Part-2:  : This part consists of two real-life/scenario-based questions. The participants will answer the questions by using suitable mathematical tools (R and RStudio, Python or C++) by writing the code and output of the program execution.

Rules / Requirements:

  • Maximum of two participants will be allowed in each team.
  • Maximum of two teams can register from the same institution.
  • During registration, the teams must mention the software that they will use for part 2.
  • Knowledge to use mathematical tools to solve real time problems.
  • Personal laptops or other electronic gadgets are not allowed.
  • The competition will be conducted in UTAS-Ibri campus [Formerly: Ibri College of Technology].
  • Time duration for the competition will be 1 hour.
  • In case a tie occurs in the total score, score in part-1 or part-2 will be considered to break the tie.
  • Best two teams will be awarded with prizes and certificates.


  • The individual participants are from all UTAS Branches and other colleges/universities.
  •  Students should be specialized in networking or have enough idea about networking.
  • Students should be able to:
    1. Build and configure the network devices using Cisco packet tracer such as access point (AP), wireless router, switches and routers.
    2. Build IPv4 and IPv6 connectivity for supported hosts on networking and IoT devices.
    3. Configure inter-VLAN Routing, DHCP EtherChannel, Port Security, OSPF, and Wireless devices with IoT equipment.
    4. Basic firewall configurations.


    The competition is for one hour only, the competition will be extended.


  • Only the registered students are allowed inside the competition hall. Supervisors will not be allowed to meet the participants until the competition is over.
  • Pre-written commands and the use of personal laptops/mobiles are strictly not allowed.
  • The competition will be individual and using latest version of cisco packet tracer.
  • Every college/university can send two or three participants only.


  • Each participant will be given a scenario-based network security and basic IoT requirements.
  • Only one file will be accepted and judged per individual.

Prepared by: Ms. Nadia Al Muqrashi, Mr. Isabelo Dominia Paat

Instructions for Project Demonstration:

  • The project competition is open to the following categories:
    • A project of currently enrolled students. A proof of current registration must be submitted to the competition committee during the registration.
    • A project of graduated students not more than one year ago (graduates of AY2020-2021). A proof such as a graduation letter must be submitted to the competition committee during the registration.
  • The project can be a Diploma or Bachelor level Project
  • Each Project group must have between 1 to 4 members only.
  • A poster of one A1-sized paper must be prepared for each Project, containing the following details:
    • Project Title
    • Project Objectives
    • Frameworks/Design/Workflow Diagrams
    • Methods and Results Discussions
    • Conclusions and/or Recommendations
    • Project Outcome or Prototype Photo
  • Demonstration of the completed and implemented PROJECT OUTCOME (system, application, prototype/model, simulations) is a must.
  • Each team will be given 15 minutes to demonstrate their project and 10 minutes for question and answer session.
  • Each project group is allowed to use more than one technology for their project.


Evaluation & Results Announcement

  • Entries for the project competition will be classified/grouped according to specializations and will be evaluated by a team of three experts in the field.
  • Each project will be evaluated based on Evaluation Criteria mentioned below.
  • Each project will be evaluated in the grade point range of 1 to 5 according to the rubric for the points in the evaluation criteria below.
  • The average of grade points from the three Experts will be the final score of the Project Demonstration and Question-Answer session.
  • In the case of tie, a team of two moderators, other than the original Expert panel, will re-evaluate the project to decide on the winner.
  • With the top 2 grade point being awarded as First, and Second Place, respectively.

Evaluation Criteria:

       (Each criterion will be evaluated on a scale of 1-5, where 5 is the highest)

  1. Number of functionalities incorporated in Project
  2. Innovative Design and Innovative Ideas of Project
  3. Diverse Technology Implementation of Project
  4.  Fully Implementable.
  5. Overall Project Quality.
  6. Presentation Skills

      The Innovation Challenge is a one-day competition that aims to foster creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship among IT students from all national universities, colleges and institutes. The competition embraces Oman’s vision for 2040 and focuses on allowing students to innovate and create technical and practical solutions using modern technologies and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

     On the day of the challenge, the organizers will present a real-life problem concerning the challenge theme. The problem will be extensively described from the technical and business perspectives. Afterward, the students will be given 3 hours to think, brainstorm, and design their proposed solution to the given problem. The students shall present their ideas using PowerPoint slides in front of a specialized panel of judges from academia and industry with technical and business experience.

     All the participating groups will vie for the top three ranks; Gold, Bronze, and Silver. The monetary prizes for each rank vary. The announcement of the winners will be one hour after the end of the challenge.


  • Participation is only open for students from all universities and colleges of the Sultanate.
  • The participating team consists of a minimum of three (3) students and a maximum of five (5) students.
  • Multidisciplinary team of 3 students with diverse skills is encouraged.
  • The participating teams must designate one member as the Team Leader.
  • Every team should be accompanied by a mentor, which will act as a consultant during the challenge.
  • Registration of team members is mandatory.
  • The participating teams should bring along at least one laptop.
  • The Internet access will be blocked for the first two hours; also, participants’ usage of mobile phones will be monitored.
  • All intellectual property rights in all presentations and submissions will be automatically considered under the Common Creative License.
  • Plagiarism or getting help from a third party will be considered cheating and will automatically disqualify the entire team.
  • The evaluation criteria will be announced later.

 Programming Competition

Problem solving using programming languages like Python or C++

Mobile Development Competition

Build a Mobile app from given real-time problem using Android Studio.

Math Competition

Solve math problems.

Networking Competition

Use the simulator to troubleshoot a network

Project Demonstration Competition

Students will present their work implemented for the course project

iTech Tecno

Thu 16th March 2023

     Aiming to enrich industrial and business cooperation and to enhance the knowledge of the students and graduates about the applications of the technologies in the market and industries. iTech Technology event gives a place for the companies and institutes that are related to information technology and innovation to exhibit their services and products to the students and alumni.
