
Accounting Section

The Accounting specialization seeks to provide a foundation for lifelong learning with a strong emphasis on the development of appropriate knowledge, skills and professional values essential to the exercise of an accounting and finance area, whether in industry or public practice. It has been designed to provide a thorough grounding in financial reporting, management accounting and corporate finance. It aims to develop technically competent, individuals with global perspectives who think and communicate effectively and who have the basis for conducting inquiry, carrying out problem-solving and undertaking critical analysis in a constantly changing business context.

Every initiative in Our Business Department is a product of the student’s creative vigor. The leader in the student foresees the outcome of his/ her actions, and it is this comfort zone within the department that pushes him/ her to try novel activities. We, on balance, trust that the students become professionals and entrepreneurs, sooner or later, but it is this ability to envision the future that endears them to their place of work. Only a student who has the leader in him/ her awakened can accomplish this act of rational anticipation. For, it is a truism when Theodore M. Hesburgh utters those eternal words of wisdom: "The very essence of leadership is that you have to have vision. You can't blow an uncertain trumpet."

Accounting Specializations Offered


The Accounting provides a foundation of professional knowledge, skills, values, ethics and attitudes that will enable our students to learn and adapt to change throughout their professional lives. The program will provide a broad base of knowledge concerning accounting, auditing, management and cost accounting, taxation, macro-environmental, economic and industry issues, business process structures, functions and practices as well as the general education courses. . Read More »