
Engineering Society


The Engineering Society of Ibri College of Technology represents and supports an inclusive and vibrant student community in which members have the opportunity to expand their possibilities, reach their full potential in a holistic manner, and promote positive change the world around them by advocacy of meaningful endeavors, valuing education, and fostering student leadership and proactive membership in order to enhance community and cultural dignity.


The Engineering Society of Ibri College of Technology endeavors to cultivate a student-centered, holistic environment which fosters personal growth, a sense of community, and learning through both curricular and extra-curricular activities. We value and promote responsible membership and student achievement by building, sustaining, and supporting this student community by listening to the them, understanding them, and shaping them into future professionals of the Sultanate.

Purpose and Activities of the Engineering Society:

  • Foster camaraderie and a sense of community among Engineering Students and Staff.
  • Organize, promote, and hold various programs, activities, competitions, conferences, and forums that will help enhance students’ leadership skills, technical or technological knowledge, hone skills to prepare them for their future as engineering professionals, and address issues that affect them as a whole.
  • Discover, encourage, and develop latent talents and skills of students in the various specializations and noteworthy, related branches in science and technology.
  • Relay information and hold meetings to increase the students’ awareness of the various rules, policies, and regulations of the College and Department.