
Information Technology Section

The Information Technology Section is committed to produce well-trained IT professionals to promote the nation with the latest computing technology specialists with the help of well-experienced and highly qualified faculty members. Teaching methodology and student-centered based learnings are adapted in our section that makes the students to become the best software professionals and good entrepreneurs. IT courses provide innovative experiences and industry-oriented projects.

The IT section is well equipped with advanced CISCO and Multimedia Laboratories. Besides the two years IT general skills, the IT Section offers the two career-oriented specializations: NETWORKING and SOFTWARE ENGINEERING in advanced diploma level and in Bachelor level.

The Networking specialization helps the students to develop their skill set in data communication and data security. The students are trained to design, build and maintain the computer networks. Building the computer networks and establishing the good communication system will improve the global economy of the nation.

The Software Engineering Specialization tunes the programmers to be competitive in the modern technologies in the software design, development, testing and maintenance. In this specialization, the students are molded to adapt the latest programming trends and apply their knowledge in developing the business and administrative software projects.



Ms Fatma Said Hamed Al Shamli