
Research Agenda 2017 - 2022

Six main research areas have been identified in the College’s Research Agenda for the period 2017-2022. All six of these areas play a crucial role in Oman’s modern and ambitious economy. Major revamping in these sectors are expected to happen by 2020 as first phase and by 2040 the second phase. All these sectors are expected to contribute towards the GDP of the country and improve employment significantly by 2020. The six main areas are


1.Mining and Mineral Resources 

Oman is abundantly rich in mineral wealth. Apparently, Oman focused primarily on mining copper, chromite, marble, limestone, gypsum, industrial salt, gold, and building materials using traditionally methods. The rest of the mineral wealth like zinc, dolomite, silicon, cobalt and iron remained unconcealed. Since the establishment of Mineral Development of Oman in 2008 (Government Organization), the nation revamped mining and minerals development with recent technologies and innovative ventures. However, the mining and mineral sector is open with ample of opportunities to explore research problems. 

Current trend:

  • Effective use of ICT and Geotechnical site investigations
  • Environmental Impact assessment and sustainable environment
  • Eco-safe Mine drainage, exploration and mining
  • Mine Mechanization
  • Retaining Water front 


2.Renewable Energy

Oman is known for potential region with renewable energies like hydro, geothermal, solar, wind and biomass. The recent research states that shore wind, geothermal and solar energies are going to be vital future renewable energies of the country. Biomass, hydro energy from flash flooding and Offshore wind renewables are still uncovered. It opens up new dimensions to explore in renewable energies.

Current trend:

  • Rooftop Solar PV, Metering mechanism for electricity generated from Rooftop Solar PV
  • Innovative horizon in integrating renewable energy from Wind and Solar PV
  • Towards 100% renewable energy
  • Integration of thermal energy storage in CSP and dispatchble power
  • Electrification of Transportation
  • Biomass convertibles into useful energy


3.Tourism in Mountain-desert Areas

Oman is popular for tourist attractions due to beautiful landscapes, wadis, coastal regions, mountains, valleys and activities like desert skiing, water skiing, diving, trekking, camping and camel racing. However, Tourism in Oman, particularly in Mountain and desert Areas are yet to be put into implementation completely. Recent research studies in development of Tourism have improved online tourist visa processing, online & location based official information centers and transportation system. But there are still wide range of opportunities open for research.

Current trend:

  • Impact of new Airport services in inbound and outbound tourists
  • Implications of development of Oman hospitality in tourism
  • Factors impending tourism – predictive analysis
  • Trend analysis of Mobile booking and online booking tours


4. Agricultural engineering & products Marketing

Deceleration in oil prices has made Oman to diversify its economy through Agriculture, Fishery, Tourism and mining. Scarcity of rain in most parts of the Oman and inadequate water resource makes Oman not self-sufficient in Food and Agriculture. Currently, many research works are carried out in developing Agriculture and Products Marketing.

Current Trend:

  • Challenges in building organic farms in Oman
  • Demographic and regional support to improve agriculture
  • Smart cultivation
  • Desalination of water resources and advanced technologies which improves agriculture with low water requirement
  • Agriculture production through effective water management and inter crops in date farms like fruits and vegetables


5. Transportation and Logistics

Oman is located in International trade route linking Asia Pacific, GCC and European countries. This geographical advantage has been recently taken seriously to improve inward investments and logistics industry. Sultanate of Oman's. Logistics Strategy 2040 (SOLS 2040) of Oman has opened up different research opportunities. Oman has huge infrastructural investment plans in bringing deep ports, roads connecting neighboring countries like Saudi, re-development of Muscat & Salalah airports and modern rail roads connecting different parts of Oman for domestic, national and international trading. 

Current Trend:

  • Optimal route analysis to link key locations like oil fields, gas fields, mineral mines, ports, cities and free zones
  • Effective utilization of infrastructure for trading and logistics
  • Impact of infrastructure on imports and exports
  • Inter-connectivity between rail routes and ports 



6. Data mining

Diversification of Oman’s economy in different sectors have directly and indirectly contributed to enormous growth of data in organizations. Data Mining is an interdisciplinary field of Computer science in which correlations, anomalies, and patterns are analyzed from historical data to predict the future trends. The primary objective of mining data is to cut cost, reduce risks, improve student relationship, improve customer relationship, improve productivity, increase revenue, improve decision making, analyze trends and improve business. The progression in different sectors opens up intense opportunities for Research.

 Current Trend:

  • Data Analytics, Data Science and Big Data
  • Educational Data Mining
  • Deep Learning
  • Social Network Analysis
  • Block Chain Technology