
Responsibilities of QAD-Head

  1. Developing and implementing a college wide activity plan for that includes plans of all department/ center.
  2. Monitoring and assisting the departments/centers in developing and implementing their Operational / activity Plan.
  3. Conducting periodic meetings with the departments/centers to guide for the quality improvement actions.
  4. Collecting the periodical report from the departments/centers regarding the progress of their planned activities.
  5. Guiding the QA members and officers on various activities needed to attain the quality standards as identified in the College Vision, Mission and Goals.
  6. Preparing regular progress reports on QA activities and submit it to QAD Chairman.
  7. Participating in development, review, implementation and assessment of the college policies and procedures.
  8. Guiding the QA members and officers to disseminate/create awareness/implement the College Policies.
  9. Initiating, guiding and organizing the self-study process and its report preparation.
  10. Reviewing the college Quality Assurance Manual (QAM).
  11. Collecting the OPAAR of all departments/centers to prepare the annual report of the college and submit it to the QAD Chairman.
  12. Conducting periodical survey to measure the achievement of various activities.
  13. Suggesting the QAD-Chairman regarding the development of quality enhancement activities in the college.
  14. Carrying out any other duties assigned by QAD Chairman.

Responsibilities of QA-Chairman

  1. Supervising the implementation of Quality Assurance System by the Head of QAD.
  2. Overseeing the Quality enhancement activities of the college.
  3. Supervising the Policy Management System (PMS) implementation.
  4. Supervising the functioning of all college level committees.
  5. Endorsing the action plan of QAD and monitor its implementation. 
  6. Suggestion the Dean regarding the development of quality enhancement activities at the college.
  7. Assessing the performance of QAD Head and QAD Officers annually and forwarding the appraisal forms to the Dean
  8. Any other duties assigned by the Dean

Responsibilities of QAD- Officers

  1. Review the Operational Plan of respective Dept. /Center and forward to QAD Head for approval.
  2. Ensure the implementation of OPs and other plans at Department and Centers.
  3. Conduct periodic meetings with the departments/centers to guide for the improvement of OPAR/Annual Report.
  4. Guide the QA members on various activities needed to attain the quality standards as identified in the College Vision, Mission and Goals. (if necessary)
  5. Support the QA members to disseminate/create awareness/implement the College Policies. 
  6. Guide and support the maintenance of Quality Culture in all Departmental/Center activities through proper channel.
  7. Support QAD Head in conducting self-study at college and preparing the report.
  8. Support QAD Head to review QAM, SP and other QA documents periodically.
  9. Support the QA Head in preparing annual report of the college.
  10. Assist QA Head in reviewing, developing, implementing and monitoring of college policies.
  11. Any other duty assigned by QAD Chairman/Head.

Responsibilities of QAD Members

  1. Develop and implement the Operational Plan of Dept. /Center by involving all the staff members.
  2. Set up department’s overall activity plan based on SP, OP, QIP, and other audit reports.
  3. The activity plan is prepared by involving all committees of department/center.
  4. Give consultation to the department on various activities needed to attain the quality standards as identified in the College Vision, Mission and Goals.
  5. Conduct induction program for the new staff within 10 days of their arrival.
  6. Plan and conduct QA awareness programs for department/Center staff. Prepare and Follow-up the action plan for the audit reports of QD /OAAA in consultation with the department committees.
  7. Prepare regular progress reports on QA activities and submit it to QAD Head through QAD Officer.
  8. Disseminate/create awareness/implement the College Policies. Prepare OP review report (OPAR) etc. for the department/ Center.
  9. Maintain Quality Culture in all Departmental/Center activities through proper channel. Ensure that the department is not initiating any activity on its own that deviates with the college SP or College Bylaws.
  10. Any other duty assigned by QAD Chairman/Head.