
Bussiness Department Committees


  • Prepare and announce a draft copy of the exam time-table (for mid and final) at least two weeks before the start of exams.
  • Collect feedback from students so as to solve problems and clashes. Then to issue and announce the final copy of the time- table, a week before the start of the exams.
  • Determine the required number of exam halls and other facilities required for the department to conduct examinations.
  • Determine the required number of invigilators and distribute invigilation duty to them Define roles and responsibility of invigilators and ensure their awareness.
  • Update exam rules and regulations and announcing them to students a week before the start of the exams.
  • Supervise the preparation of the exam halls and ensure the proper number and distribution of seats.
  • Follow-up the college exam policies and procedures to ensure full examination security.
  • Encourage staff to submit exam papers to central examination committee at least two days before the start of exam of each course.
  • Supervise the conduction of examinations and take care of any problems that may arise. Follow-up any misconduct or breach of exam rules and regulations.
  • Submit reports about any malpractice/misconduct to the Dean to take necessary actions.
  • Ensure that all course tutors collect answer sheets at the end of each exam.
  • Archive and document all issues related to examinations.
  • Provide the HoD/ HoS with reports about examinations including recommendation to improve exam procedures and ways to avoid problems.

Student Research

  • To Plan research project program for each semester for Bachelors and Advance Diploma levels and coordinate with registrar for expected number of project students.
  • Finalize list of the students who are going to do research project in the semester.
  • Research Supervisors; considering teachers’ workload, assign supervisors to each student with coordination of HoD.
  • Conduct an Orientation Seminar to all project students, explain process & procedure of project to them and distribute Project Handouts for further details.
  • Distribute all prescribed Forms and schedule of projects to all supervisors.
  • Student Research Support; Provide administrative assistance to supervisors and students for any issue arising during project. Whereas supervisors will be guiding students for technical aspects of research.
  • Collect internal marks from all supervisors before final presentations /viva voce.
  • Prepare external panel for evaluation of project Presentations and Viva voce with consent of HoD.
  • Make a schedule for final presentations (specialization wise) and arrange room/hall for presentation/viva voce.
  • Student Research Assessment; Consolidate internal marks from supervisors and external marks from panel and prepare final result sheets by taking prescribed weight age.
  • Enter project marks in system after getting approval from HoD.


  • Maximize the utilization of the college resources used in the time tabled teaching space.
  • Make the most effective use of the staff and student time.
  • Improve the provision of information to the college community in respect of the academic timetables.
  • Prepare department projections for every semester.
  • Prepare the semester timetables.
  • Determine the average class size based on the availability of resources.
  • Ensure that all lecturers adhere to the published timetable.
  • Ensure proper allocation of class rooms and labs to the different departments of the college.
  • Collect feedback from lecturers and students in respect of the registration and timetable issues.

Learning Resources

  • Members have to follow-up implementation the e-learning system "Module' for departmental courses.
  • Provide necessary support and training to staff and students in the department regarding e-learning.
  • Encourage and supervise uploading of the following by faculty members: Course material/class notes for the current semesters Quizzes – and formats At least one (upload papers) Assignments - At least one Upload of the course material/class notes (PPT).
  • Assign roles, Map all the students registered for the course Quiz and exam schedule Moderate and monitor blogs and notes Conduct regular meetings to resolve the e-learning issues and update on the new use of e-learning.
  • Submit semester wise reports to the HoD/HoS/Department QA team in relation to the progress of the activities, problems faced and suggestions to improvements.
  • Handling library related issues, including mapping of the course material with the relevant text books available in the library through respective course teachers.

Internal Quality Assurance

  • Follow the development and improvement of the Strategic Plan of the College and subsequently developing and improve the departmental operational plan.
  • Give consultation to the College management on thevarious strategic projects needed to attain quality standards to achieve the department vision, mission and goals.
  • Plan and organize quality assurance awareness and training programs/activities, e.g. seminars, conferences and training workshops inorder to train the department staff and students.
  • Coordinate and manage the quality initiatives and ensure that quality standards are maintained in the department.
  •  Follow up and schedule the review of policies and procedures considering feedback from all stakeholders.
  • Conduct the internal quality audit of the department.
  • Preparation and review of feedback reports in response to audit report/portfolio feedback of the QD.
  • Prepare regularly progress reports including proposals for improvements and submit copy to the QAFC.
  • Coordinating and advising in preparation of the department annual report and other statutory reports required by the college QAFC, QD and ministry.

Health and Safety

  • Set up a master health & safely plan for the department based on H&S needs analysis for all staff and department premises.
  • Ensure that facilities, equipment, and systems are maintained, in working condition, and are safe and without risk to the health and safety of students, staff, visitors, and the community at large.
  • Ensure that fire alarms and safety and fire-fighting equipment placed in the department premises are maintained regularly.
  • Arrange to carry out drills once in every quarter (three months). Ensue that the department complies with national and international health and safety standards.
  • Provide and publish guidelines for students and staff responsible for the classrooms and computer labs. Monitor the implementation of the health and safety system in the stores, classrooms and computer labs.
  • Put a mechanism in place for the safe transport, handling, storage and disposal of articles and substances hazardous to health.
  • Provide necessary information and appropriate instructions and arrange appropriate training to all staff students on “first aid in case of an accident” and matters related to health and safety.
  • Perform audits, at least twice a year, to evaluate the health and safety measures in the department premise. Staff and students are able to raise health and safety issues at the appropriate level and have these issues addressed effectively.
  • Maintain contact with national organizations concerned with health and safety.
  • Prepare semester wise report on various activities carried out by the committee to the HoD/HoS/ Quality team.

Staff Research, Recreational & Consultancy

  • Conduct a survey on the capability of the department staff in doing research &consultancyprojects so as to make use of it towards the development of teaching, learning and other activities in the department.
  • Encourage and direct students' final year projects towards practical applications that serve the needs of the college, society and industry to resolve their problems and promote student practical learning.
  • Identify and cooperate with private and government entities that are ready to fund research based projects of mutual benefits. Support staff, provide them with possible facilities and encourage their participations in symposiums and conferences.
  • Direct symposiums/conferences that might beheld in the department/ college to promote and develop teaching, training and learning.
  • Identify and allocate research resources and facilities available in the library of the college.
  • Specify periodicals and journals necessary for each dept./center to have subscription.
  • Ensure academic integrity and preserve the national and international Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), plagiarism policy prescribed by the college QAM.
  • Review project, research & consultancy policy and procedures, monitor and document achievements, suggest opportunities for improvements to promote project, Prepare and submit a periodic report on the research & consultancy activity of the department / faculty participated. Staff Recreational Team Prepare calendar of events / activities for staff recreation for every semester. Organize the events and encourage staff participation. Conduct feedback accordingly and submit the results Submit a period report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Department QA Team.

Risk Management

  • Take the lead in the implementation of the Risk Management Policy and Procedure of the department.
  • Set a risk management operational plan for different activities for the department and set necessary measures to follow-up and monitor its implementation.
  • Intervene promptly and immediately in case of internal or external emergency risks. Also, set and implement emergency plans to deal with such risks to limit their effects.
  • Maintain and monitor a Risk Register for the department with input from different sub-committees of the department.
  • Create necessary awareness among students and staff to deal with relevant risks.
  • Identity training needs for the staff and arrange/coordinate for trainingprograms related to risk management.
  • Perform audits, at least twice a year, to evaluate the risk management issues in the department.
  • Review and evaluate die effectiveness of the Risk Management Policy, different procedures and processes related to risk management.
  • Submit semester wise reports to the HoD/HoS in relation to the progress of the activities, problems faced and suggestions to improve the process of risk management in the department.

Survey/ Data Management

  • Conduct surveys, prepare reports and collect other data (feedback, resource list, infrastructure details, academic records, student details etc.,) to meet the department statutory requirement for preparation of various reports.
  • Perform self- study and other relevant activities assigned to the committee according to the requirements of OAAA manual and as guided by the QAFC.
  • Follow the security measures/norms, avoid bias in the gathering and analysis of data as prescribed in the college bylaws.
  • Follow principles to in the gathering and analysis of data.
  • Continuously review and evaluate the quality of its activities for improvement purposes.
  • Prepare periodical reports on the committee work and activities and submit them to QAFC for review and then to the college Dean
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean/HOD/HoS/ QAFC– Chair person or his deputy.

Public Relation and Marketing

  • Identify Public Relation including school/institution visit, inviting industry people to department and other brand-building and marketing activities for the department.
  • Conduct and document different PR & marketing activities as prescribed/ identified in the OP and department annual plan.
  • Provide support for the arrangement and organization of all ceremonies/celebrations in the department and college.
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean / HOD/ HOS or his deputy/ assigned person.
  • Prepare periodical reports on the committee’s activities and submit them to the Dean / HOD/ HOS/ QAFC.

Media Team

  • Coordinate with other departments/centers/ and committees to cover all extracurricular and recreational activities organized by the business studies department.
  • Coordinating with ETC to advertise department activities/ functions on the electronic notice boards and college website.
  • Cover all internal & external events/activities/ programs, prepare summaries and publish it in all internal & external media/channels after ensuring the approval of the college administration. Monitor all online articles published by department staff and students in the free discussion forums.
  • Coordinate with college departments/centers and ETC to update each department/center profile/ staff details on college website.
  • Coordinate with the Student Affairs to update Alumni details in the college website. Prepare, design and publish department newsletters/ magazine and approved posters as a part of information sharing initiative.
  • Keep an archive (hard/electronic) of all relevant for the department activities inside/ outside the college and for all articles announced in the media.
  • Submit a periodic report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Dept QA Team.

Business Society

  • Organize the “Business Week” event in the department involving student, faculty member and other stake holders.
  • Prepare and update lists of invitees and arrange for their visit and activity for the respective functions/activities.
  • Arrange for the sponsorship for the Business Week event.
  • Involve and encourage students to participate and develop their leadership/ organizing skills through regular meetings and events.
  • Submit a periodic report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Dept QA Team.

Marketing, Industry & Community Relations Team

  • Organize the “Business Week” event in the department involving student, faculty member and other stake holders.
  • Prepare and update lists of invitees and arrange for their visit and activity for the respective functions/activities.
  • Arrange for the sponsorship for the Business Week event.
  • Involve and encourage students to participate and develop their leadership/ organizing skills through regular meetings and events.
  • Submit a periodic report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Dept QA Team.

Entrepreneurial Team

  • Identify training needs and internal resource person to conduct entrepreneurship Training programs.
  • Invite the trainers as per training needs to share their experience Conduct at least one event per semester
  • Conduct feedback on training Submit a period report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Department QA Team