
Engineering Committees

Engineering Department Committees

Social Club

  • Organizes induction program for newly joined staff.
  • Conducts training need analysis for staff members.
  • Organizes staff development seminars, workshops and training sessions when required.
  • Identifies area of interest and area of specialization to do the research.
  • Motivates staff members to do research by organizing guest lectures and workshops through experts in various areas especially in Math and IT.
  • Motivates the existing PhD holders to do further research and get guideship.
  • Calculates speaker’s performance results and overall average mean of all the speakers at the end of the Academic Year.
  • Performs any other related task assigned by HoD.

Public Relations Management

  • Coordinate with OJT department to prepare and update lists of companies which provide support to the college.
  • Coordinate with other committees to follow-up and organize mutual programs of training/seminars/ lectures between the college and industry/community/other HEIs.
  • Provide support for the arrangement to conduct conferences, workshops and job fairs in coordination within department/ section and committees.
  • Conduct meetings as needed to organize work, set college-wise annual plans, assign roles and document different activities.
  • Provide support for the arrangement and organization of all ceremonies/celebrations in the college.

Academic Advising

  • Process of discussion and sharing information with students that empowers students to realize their educational potential.
  • Developmental process which assists students in the clarification of their academic and career goals.
  • Discussion forum of counseling which makes the students to realize their maximum educational capabilities through communication and information exchanges with an advisor.
  • Facilitator of communication, and academic progress review, and a mentor which helps them to come out of problems.
  • Constituted to take care of under probation/under performance students and to provide them a platform where they may discuss such grievances and problems, they are facing and bringing them under probation.


  • Segregate the appeal requests from Mechanical and Electrical section students.
  • Each Section will process appeal relating to its own section.
  • During appeal process, committee will request the student’s details, his answer scripts and question paper along with key/solution from the concerned lecturer.
  • The committee members will go through the student’s answer script to verify his claims. If there is change in the grade, the change is communicated to Head of department.
  • The new grades are changed in the system after getting approval from Asst. Dean, Student Affairs.

Survey Data Management

  • Gathering feedback from students is to have them complete an anonymous, online survey about the course.
  • Responsible for analyzing and reporting the SFQ data.
  • Produce a report for each class-set of SFQ data collected.
  • All SFQ data and reports on individual staff members are treated by the SC as confidential to that staff member, except that a copy of the SFQ results will be sent to the respective heads of department.

Risk Management

  • Minimize the Risk in order to maximize the efficiency of ongoing Departmental activities.
  • Identifies the potential strategic Risk and the Operational Risk of the Engineering department through various sources of feedback's and experiences.
  • Prepares the Risk register based on the contingency plan and the identified Risks are compiled in it and it is analyzed with highest priority and the same is evaluated and treated according to its severity level.
  • Monitors periodically for the non-occurrence of the Risk in engineering department.
  • Creates the awareness program to the faculty members and student members through various committees in the areas such as Health and safety.

Health and Safety

  • Ensure that facilities, equipment, and systems are maintained, in working condition, and are safe in all the places in our college campus.
  • Ensure that fire alarms and fire-fighting equipment in the College are maintained regularly.
  • Publish guidelines for students and staff responsible for the labs, workshops and stores.
  • Audit every six month once to ensure the expire date of fire extinguisher and checking the condition of the fire alarm in the college.
  • Arrange the fire extinguisher demonstration training programme for staff and students twice in a year.
  • Inform to college management about any events/risks/threats related to H&S.
  • Discuss in meetings all issues related to accident records in the College, and encourage H&S consciousness among staff and students. Organize first aid training sessions in the College.
  • Ensure that the health and safety procedures in the Quality Sub-Manual (laboratories and workshops) are understood and followed by all.

Engineering Gazette and College Website

  • Update the website with latest information, event in the department, achievements, news and any forth coming event.
  • Engineering department organizes different event, like staff development programs, student advising under academic advising committee, induction programs under engineering society, staff induction under QA committee and department registration committee etc. Then website committee is responsible to update the website with the latest information.
  • Engineering Department web page content includes (but is not limited to) photos, video, departmental mission and objective statements, faculty and staff biographies, department committees, HoD & HoS’s messages events, new course descriptions, outside links, and other matters unique to each discipline, department, and individual.
  • Engineering website committee also suggest ETC department about its requirements which may be needed time to time and as per requirement.
  • Aims to publish a high quality magazine that promotes the department achievements, updates, news, latest technology being used in the industry, science discoveries and researches etc. going on in the world

E-Learning and Resources

  • To provide the necessary support and training to every lecturer in the department to use the E-Learning Moodle.
  • To help uploading the resource materials such as course materials, model question papers, assignments and other supplementary materials.
  • To organize training program on smart board teaching and student-centered teaching methodologies.

OJT and Industrial Link

  • To prepare the list of students eligible for OJT.
  • Coordinate with college OJT department.
  • Assign college assessors to every OJT student.
  • Schedule the visit of college assessors to monitor students training.
  • Evaluate the student’s presentation after completion of training.
  • Follow up with OJT students till they graduate.

Engineering Society

  • Responsible for all standards and recommended practices activities of the disciplines offered in the Engineering Department.
  • Any Committees, subcommittees, guest speaker, industrial representation, induction programs and technological seminars, necessary for standards and practices development are conducted under Engineering society.
  • Brings together a diverse group of people, from college and industry, dedicated to improve the quality technical education and professional skills. Identify and meet challenges for engineering --- problems and opportunities.
  • Focus on assisting and grooming students to be top quality professionals in their area of specializations.
  •   Organizes technical competitions, seminars and workshops to mold the students to be competent in their field.
  • Every semester induction programme for newly admitted students and orientation programme for specialization selection are organized.

Staff Development

  • Conduct orientation programme for the new staff to provide useful information about campus locations/offices that will help them to be successful in their jobs.
  • Conduct various staff development programs such as Workshops, and Seminars.
  • Co-ordinate/arrange Training Programs and Guest Lectures.
  • Facilitate staff research related activities by providing the updated details of other college programs like Conferences, Workshops, Seminars, etc.
  • Maintain the documents related to staff’s publications outside the college.
  • Facilitate the staff rewarding activities such as best teacher award and employee of the month award like Best teacher award, Employee of the month award.


  • set of policies, procedures and guidelines for the conduct of examinations will be issued, and updated regularly.

Time table

  • Prepares the time table with the help of its members and gets that approved by the Head of department. Once approved by the HOD, it is uploaded for students.


  • Outset prepares the Projection plan in coherence with the available resources.
  • Advising (subject selection) process is ended through the Advisors.
  • Preceding to the above enriched actions, both, faculty members and the students are offered with an induction program in regards to the proper Advising and registration.
  • Proceeding to the registration, sorting of the timetable issues is done for the smooth start of the classes.
  • The committee involves in allocating specialization to the students and also show effective participation in student transfer.
  • Enhances the college Registration for the publication of results through the process of finding the Marginal and Critical cases.