An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest

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The Alumni Committee of the Business Studies Department organized an online workshop on “An Investment in Knowledge Pays the Best Interest” on Thursday, 8th December 2022, from 9 to 10 AM. The targeted audiences were alumni students and current students in accounting specialization. The workshop started with a welcoming address by Alumni Committee Coordinator, Dr Manjula Veerabhadrappa. Then, she invited the speakers. Ms Maali Al Majrafi, Senior Insurance Specialist at Capital Market Authority and Mr Majeed Al Hashmi, Legal Researcher at Capital Market Sector, to deliver the workshop. The speakers started the workshop by highlighting the role of the Capital Market Authority in promoting economic growth in Oman. They discussed several key issues, including the regulatory framework for crowdfunding platforms, categories of investors, peer-based financing platforms, Sharia-compliant crowdfunding platforms, obligations of the application and license requirements, and many more. At the end of the workshop, Dr Tamilselvan gave a vote of thanks to both speakers.

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Sunday, 18 December 2022 00:00 Written by  Dr Manjula Veerabhadrappa In Business Studies
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