Being an Entrepreneur - Experience Sharing Session

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The Entrepreneurship Committee of the Department of Business Studies, in collaboration with the Career Guidance Office – IbriCT, organised the Entrepreneur Experience Sharing Programme in the Lecture Theatre, on 23 October 2018 from 10.00am to 11.00am for students. 

The objective of the session was to motivate and inspire students with real-world experiences which were reflected in the presentation given by Mr Mohammed Abdullah Al Madarsi, owner of Gym Café, Ibri that offers coffee with a variety of flavours to its customers.

In this lively session Mr Mohammed shared with the students his experiences how he ventured into the business world, the entrepreneurship process he went through with new ideas, the difficulties faced and how he overcame them. He also enlightened them on the various ways to find sources of new ideas and how to start a small business from them.

After the presentation, students were participated in an activity competition to select and present the best business idea and were suitably awarded with a gift.  In addition, a stall was displayed by Gym Café from 10am. to 2pm in college reception area for all. Free samples of their products were distributed as a part of the marketing strategy of a business. The presentation ended with the interaction of students to present their views about entrepreneurship ideas.

Some 60 students attended and benefited from the session. As a token of appreciation, a certificate was issued to the presenter by the staff members along with the student counsel coordinator. The event was successfully conducted and for this, on behalf of the Entrepreneurship Committee, I am thankful to the college management, HoD and HoS of Business Studies Department, Gym Café and a special word of thanks to the Career Guidance Office Coordinator, Mr Zaid Al Badi, and faculty members of the Business Studies Department.


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Wednesday, 14 November 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr Sathyamoorty Manikandan In Business Studies
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