Campus to Corporate Leadership

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The Entrepreneurship Committee and Career Guidance Office, in collaboration with Eshraqa-Khimji Ramdas Training and Consultancy Division, Muscat, organised the Campus to Corporate Leadership Workshop in the Multi-Purpose Hall on 14 November 2018. The workshop consisted of two sessions. 

The first session started at 9.30 am with a presentation by Mr Nadeem Ahmed, General Manager, Khimji Training and Development Division - about the basic concepts of leadership, communication, innovation and team management skills. The presentation was followed by a creative activity ‘Castle with Flag’ for the students in groups. The objective was to enlighten the students on team building skills. The first session finished at 11.45am. 

The second session started at 12.15pm. In this session the seven habits of successful people were discussed. The objective was to make students aware of the Professional Behavioural Skills, Personality Development Skills, the challenges ahead, and how to control the mind. The discussion was followed with an activity ‘Spaghetti- Marshmallow competition’. The objective was to explore the design process of thinking, doing, and iteration among the students. This session finished at 2.45pm. 

Around 90 students from all departments, including alumni, attended the sessions. All of them, divided in groups, participated enthusiastically and interacted well with the presenters and gained awareness on various skills that will help them to move forward in their future. Each group leader shared the feedback of what their group learned from the workshop. 

As a token of appreciation, a memento was given to the presenter by Dr Said Masoud Ali Kashoob, college dean. The event was successfully conducted and on behalf of the Entrepreneurship Committee and I am thankful to the college management, assistant dean for student affairs, assistant dean for administrative and finance department, head of Business Studies Department, Khimji Ramdas Company, and a special thanks to the Career Guidance Office coordinator, Mr Zaid Al Badi and faculty members of the Business Studies Department.


Read 448 times Last modified on Sunday, 09 December 2018 10:26
Sunday, 09 December 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr Sathyamoorty Manikandan In Business Studies
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