Adapting ProQuest  “eBooks in Teaching Methodology”

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On 15 January 2019 the Learning Resource Committee of the Business Studies Department organised a workshop for its staff members on ‘Adapting ProQuest’ in their teaching methodology.

The purpose of this workshop was to create awareness among the staff members on ProQuest, its applications and how its resources support in research and learning. The workshop was aimed at encouraging teachers to include ProQuest in their teaching methodology so as to make the students’ learning process more fruitful.

Dr Syeda Zubaida Hashmi, the committee coordinator, gave the presentation wherein she introduced the staff members to ‘ProQuest’ and its uses. Later she demonstrated the steps involved in registering oneself as a member and the subsequent process on how it can be included into one’s research and learning. She also demonstrated on how to register the students on ProQuest and how they can use its applications in their learning.

She urged the members to encourage their students to register and start using various applications on ProQuest and make their learning more resourceful. All the members benefitted from this session and felt that ProQuest can indeed help the teachers and students in their teaching and learning pursuit.



Read 280 times Last modified on Thursday, 31 January 2019 06:17
Wednesday, 30 January 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr Syeda Zubaida Hashmi In Business Studies
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