Workshop on “Sampling Techniques”

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The student Research Committee of the Business Studies Department conducted a workshop on “Sampling Techniques” on 12 February 2019 from 12 to 1pm in A204 for the senior/graduation project students. The purpose of the workshop was to give training to the students on sampling design, sampling size and application of sampling techniques that they may apply to their current projects. 

Dr Ansarul Haque, coordinator, Students Research Committee, welcomed the project students and resource persons of the workshop, Mr Muhammed Faisal and Mr Asif Mahmood.

The workshop was conducted in two stages. In the first stage, Mr Muhammed Faisal discussed the sampling techniques mostly used for HR projects. He elaborated how students can design the sample and sample size for their respective studies. Further, he explained this by using some of the project titles as samples.

In the next stage of training, Mr Asif Mahmood explained how sampling techniques can be used for the projects in Accounting Specialisation.  He further added how the studies can be conducted in the areas of accounting and finance considering secondary data.

The faculty and students who attended this session showed their enthusiasm by participating in the discussion and requested for more such training sessions to be conducted in future. 

The workshop ended at 1pm with a vote of thanks by Dr Ansarul Haque.

Read 250 times Last modified on Thursday, 14 February 2019 09:56
Thursday, 14 February 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr Ansarul Haque In Business Studies
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