MOCK INTERVIEW for Business Studies Department

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Business Society of Department of Business Studies organized Mock Interview for Business Studies students to expose them to real time interview feel. For the Mock Interview 14 students registered from Advanced and Bachelor Level from Accounting and HR Specialization

The program was conducted in 016A from 12 to 2pm. Business Department HOD Mr Omar Al Balushi and HOS Ms Safiya Al Hamdi welcomed   Mr Ismail Saif Salem Al Shmali, Director of Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr Talal Hamood Mohammed Al Balushi, Head of Section, Administration and Finance, College of Health Science as External Panel for Interview and Dr Quadir Mohiuddin Mohammed Lecturer, Department of Business Studies as Internal Panel member. 

All registered students were present on time with their CV hardcopy and attended the Mock Interview. Each students had 5 minutes of interview in which the external and internal panel assessed their performance in Assessment form.  The program ended at 2 pm with the Token of   appreciation to External and Internal panel Members by HOD Mr Omar Al Balushi. The students and panel members were happy about their experience.


Read 399 times Last modified on Friday, 14 June 2019 07:55
Friday, 14 June 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr Manjula Veerabhadrappa In Business Studies
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