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Business Society of Department of Business Studies organized NATURA for students to “Be Creative and Reuse it” the recycle Items.  The program was inaugurated in lecturer theatre at 9.30am by HOD Mr Omar Al Balushi and HOS Ms Safiya Al Hamdi. Students Noor Al Gharibi and Maitha Saeed Alisaee briefed the audience about the program. 

Under the guidance of Mr Ali Al Gafri, Head Student Activities Department, a short skit (dramatic humorous sketch) was performed by three students Mazin Ahmed AlZidjali, Mohammed Zayid Al Rujaibi and Omar Bati Alsukaiti.  Audience enjoyed it with great applause and encouraged all performers. After the Sketch HOD and HOS along with audience visited multipurpose hall for NATURA Exhibition where students exhibited their talent by preparing different items using recyclable items. There wer around 30 exhibits and the prizes in the exhibition were won by the following students:

1st prize by Manal Mohammed Masoud Al-Jassasi & Nouf Said Salim Al-Mamari

2nd Prize by Alia Said Ali Al-yaqoobi

3nd Prize by Abir Abdullah Almamari, Anfal Saif Aljabri, Ruiqya Awadh Alkalbani (Students of Entrepreneurship Supervisor Mr Syed Akram)

A ‘Best out of Waste’ workshop was conducted in room 016B from 12 to 2pm. Student Aliya was the organizer and 15 students participated in it. The Prize was won by Manal Mohammed Masoud Al-Jassasi & Nouf Said Salim Al-Mamari.  

At 2 pm closing ceremony was held at Lecturer Theatre by Student Mohammed Amir. Assistant Dean Student Affairs Ms. Nawal Al Sawafi and HOD Mr. Omar Al Balushi distributed prizes to winners and participation certificate to all participants including Business Society Students Organizers and Staff Members.

Read 421 times Last modified on Thursday, 20 June 2019 11:00
Thursday, 20 June 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr Manjula Veerabhadrappa In Business Studies
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