Specialisation Choice Orientation

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The Specialization Committee of the Business Studies Department organized a Specialization Orientation programme for the first year Diploma Business studies students on 12th November 2019. The purpose of this program was to help the students of Business Studies Department, who will move from Diploma year-I to year-II during semester-II of AY 2019-2020, to choose their specialization.

Dr. C. Loganathan (Human Resource Section) and Dr. Ammani Ammal (Accounting section) Specialization Committee coordinators arranged this program. 

In this program, Initially Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Ismaili – HOD, BDS- briefed the importance of choosing the Specialization. Mr. Sandeep Kale, Accounting Lecturer, delivered a speech regarding Accounting Specialization to our students. During this program, he provided more information related to the different levels, specializations available, and courses offered by Business studies Department. He added some more information related to the job opportunities in the area of Accounting specialization. 

Dr. Bijja Viswanath, HR/Marketing Lecturer, delivered a speech regarding Marketing Specialization to our students. He provided more information related to the different levels, specializations available, and courses offered by Business Studies Department. He added some more information related to the job opportunities for each specializations and on the job training. 

Dr. Vijay G Padaguri, HR lecturer, delivered a speech regarding Human Resource Specialization to our students he explained more information related to the different levels, specializations available, and courses offered by Business studies Department. He added some more information related to the job opportunities for each specializations and on the job training. 

Specialization Committee Coordinators concluded the program by clarifying the student’s doubts and by providing some important guidelines and advises which will help the students to choose their specialization.

Read 301 times Last modified on Wednesday, 20 November 2019 06:06
Wednesday, 20 November 2019 00:00 Written by  Dr C. Loganathan In Business Studies
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