IbriCT Team Wins Fourth Place in the Royal Army of Oman Competition

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The Innovation and Entrepreneurship (IEU), represented by two students, Majdi Al-Azri and Reem Al-Kalbania, participated in an innovation competition from 20 to 21 November 2019 in Muscat. It was organised by the Royal Army of Oman for encouraging students to create innovative ideas that could support the Armed Forces in Oman. On the first day, there was an exhibition for all students participating in the competition. They exhibited their innovative projects to the visitors. On the second day,  the Commander of Royal Army of oman, Major General Matar bin Salim bin Rashid AL-Bulushi, visited IbriCT corner to see the project being developed by Majdi and Reem, which is a “Smart Helmet”. He got satisfied with the functions of the “Smart Helmet” and how it can facilitate the work of soliders. At the end, there was an appreciation ceremony in which our team got the fourth place in the competition. 


Read 1001 times Last modified on Tuesday, 26 November 2019 09:11
Tuesday, 26 November 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Mohammed Al-Sakiti In Business Studies
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