
  • Ensures the compliance of QA directions in all the Department activities;
  • Conducts QA awareness programs/trainings to all staff;
  • Conducts student’s feedback on teaching as per instruction from the College;
  • Consolidates all Committee Plans of Activities of the Department;
  • Takes feedback on all activities of the Department;
  • Monitors the implementation of activities of all the Committees;
  • Prepares the performance achievement of every Committee; Collects, monitors and checks all Course files at the end of each semester in compliance with College format;
  • Updates QA sub-Manuals, Staff and Student’s Handbooks periodically;
  • Prepares the Operational Plan and Activity Plans for the Department;
  • Prepares the Department’s Annual Report at the end of the Academic Year; and
  • Performs other duties assigned by HoD.