
  • Set up a master health & safely plan for the department based on H&S needs analysis for all staff and department premises.
  • Ensure that facilities, equipment, and systems are maintained, in working condition, and are safe and without risk to the health and safety of students, staff, visitors, and the community at large.
  • Ensure that fire alarms and safety and fire-fighting equipment placed in the department premises are maintained regularly.
  • Arrange to carry out drills once in every quarter (three months). Ensue that the department complies with national and international health and safety standards.
  • Provide and publish guidelines for students and staff responsible for the classrooms and computer labs. Monitor the implementation of the health and safety system in the stores, classrooms and computer labs.
  • Put a mechanism in place for the safe transport, handling, storage and disposal of articles and substances hazardous to health.
  • Provide necessary information and appropriate instructions and arrange appropriate training to all staff students on “first aid in case of an accident” and matters related to health and safety.
  • Perform audits, at least twice a year, to evaluate the health and safety measures in the department premise. Staff and students are able to raise health and safety issues at the appropriate level and have these issues addressed effectively.
  • Maintain contact with national organizations concerned with health and safety.
  • Prepare semester wise report on various activities carried out by the committee to the HoD/HoS/ Quality team.