• Conduct surveys, prepare reports and collect other data (feedback, resource list, infrastructure details, academic records, student details etc.,) to meet the department statutory requirement for preparation of various reports.
  • Perform self- study and other relevant activities assigned to the committee according to the requirements of OAAA manual and as guided by the QAFC.
  • Follow the security measures/norms, avoid bias in the gathering and analysis of data as prescribed in the college bylaws.
  • Follow principles to in the gathering and analysis of data.
  • Continuously review and evaluate the quality of its activities for improvement purposes.
  • Prepare periodical reports on the committee work and activities and submit them to QAFC for review and then to the college Dean
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean/HOD/HoS/ QAFC– Chair person or his deputy.
  • Prepare and announce a draft copy of the exam time-table (for mid and final) at least two weeks before the start of exams.
  • Collect feedback from students so as to solve problems and clashes. Then to issue and announce the final copy of the time- table, a week before the start of the exams.
  • Determine the required number of exam halls and other facilities required for the department to conduct examinations.
  • Determine the required number of invigilators and distribute invigilation duty to them Define roles and responsibility of invigilators and ensure their awareness.
  • Update exam rules and regulations and announcing them to students a week before the start of the exams.
  • Supervise the preparation of the exam halls and ensure the proper number and distribution of seats.
  • Follow-up the college exam policies and procedures to ensure full examination security.
  • Encourage staff to submit exam papers to central examination committee at least two days before the start of exam of each course.
  • Supervise the conduction of examinations and take care of any problems that may arise. Follow-up any misconduct or breach of exam rules and regulations.
  • Submit reports about any malpractice/misconduct to the Dean to take necessary actions.
  • Ensure that all course tutors collect answer sheets at the end of each exam.
  • Archive and document all issues related to examinations.
  • Provide the HoD/ HoS with reports about examinations including recommendation to improve exam procedures and ways to avoid problems.
  • Take the lead in the implementation of the Risk Management Policy and Procedure of the department.
  • Set a risk management operational plan for different activities for the department and set necessary measures to follow-up and monitor its implementation.
  • Intervene promptly and immediately in case of internal or external emergency risks. Also, set and implement emergency plans to deal with such risks to limit their effects.
  • Maintain and monitor a Risk Register for the department with input from different sub-committees of the department.
  • Create necessary awareness among students and staff to deal with relevant risks.
  • Identity training needs for the staff and arrange/coordinate for trainingprograms related to risk management.
  • Perform audits, at least twice a year, to evaluate the risk management issues in the department.
  • Review and evaluate die effectiveness of the Risk Management Policy, different procedures and processes related to risk management.
  • Submit semester wise reports to the HoD/HoS in relation to the progress of the activities, problems faced and suggestions to improve the process of risk management in the department.
  • Members have to follow-up implementation the e-learning system "Module' for departmental courses.
  • Provide necessary support and training to staff and students in the department regarding e-learning.
  • Encourage and supervise uploading of the following by faculty members: Course material/class notes for the current semesters Quizzes – and formats At least one (upload papers) Assignments - At least one Upload of the course material/class notes (PPT).
  • Assign roles, Map all the students registered for the course Quiz and exam schedule Moderate and monitor blogs and notes Conduct regular meetings to resolve the e-learning issues and update on the new use of e-learning.
  • Submit semester wise reports to the HoD/HoS/Department QA team in relation to the progress of the activities, problems faced and suggestions to improvements.
  • Handling library related issues, including mapping of the course material with the relevant text books available in the library through respective course teachers.
  • Identify Public Relation including school/institution visit, inviting industry people to department and other brand-building and marketing activities for the department.
  • Conduct and document different PR & marketing activities as prescribed/ identified in the OP and department annual plan.
  • Provide support for the arrangement and organization of all ceremonies/celebrations in the department and college.
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean / HOD/ HOS or his deputy/ assigned person.
  • Prepare periodical reports on the committee’s activities and submit them to the Dean / HOD/ HOS/ QAFC.

Media Team

  • Coordinate with other departments/centers/ and committees to cover all extracurricular and recreational activities organized by the business studies department.
  • Coordinating with ETC to advertise department activities/ functions on the electronic notice boards and college website.
  • Cover all internal & external events/activities/ programs, prepare summaries and publish it in all internal & external media/channels after ensuring the approval of the college administration. Monitor all online articles published by department staff and students in the free discussion forums.
  • Coordinate with college departments/centers and ETC to update each department/center profile/ staff details on college website.
  • Coordinate with the Student Affairs to update Alumni details in the college website. Prepare, design and publish department newsletters/ magazine and approved posters as a part of information sharing initiative.
  • Keep an archive (hard/electronic) of all relevant for the department activities inside/ outside the college and for all articles announced in the media.
  • Submit a periodic report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Dept QA Team.

Business Society

  • Organize the “Business Week” event in the department involving student, faculty member and other stake holders.
  • Prepare and update lists of invitees and arrange for their visit and activity for the respective functions/activities.
  • Arrange for the sponsorship for the Business Week event.
  • Involve and encourage students to participate and develop their leadership/ organizing skills through regular meetings and events.
  • Submit a periodic report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Dept QA Team.

Marketing, Industry & Community Relations Team

  • Organize the “Business Week” event in the department involving student, faculty member and other stake holders.
  • Prepare and update lists of invitees and arrange for their visit and activity for the respective functions/activities.
  • Arrange for the sponsorship for the Business Week event.
  • Involve and encourage students to participate and develop their leadership/ organizing skills through regular meetings and events.
  • Submit a periodic report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Dept QA Team.

Entrepreneurial Team

  • Identify training needs and internal resource person to conduct entrepreneurship Training programs.
  • Invite the trainers as per training needs to share their experience Conduct at least one event per semester
  • Conduct feedback on training Submit a period report on the activities to the HoD/ HoS/ Department QA Team