• Develop and update ETC Staff induction Handbook.
  • Induct newly hired staff.
  • Give the newly hired staff a tour around the college.
  • Make introductions to people in other departments.
  • Explain the mechanics of the job and offer informal observation or job shadowing opportunities.
  • Provide guidance to the newly hired staff, identify the needs, and make effective use of, learning opportunities.
  • Answer questions and help resolve any problems/issues.
  • Coordinate with QA Committee for QA induction.
  • Develop semester reports of staff inducted.
  • Put in place policies and procedures for EPT/ OJT.
  • Accept or reject training requests.
  • Setup a student EPT / OJT programs of schedule.
  • Setup training programs for OJT / EPT.
  • Follow-up the conduct of training programs.
  • Issue the training certificate.
  • Each section representative will assign the training tasks to each staff members.
  • Produce a report about all OJT/EPT programs conducted at the end of each semester.
  • Develop a strategic plan for effective use of LRC.
  • Develop a marketing plan to motivate students and staff to use the resources of Library.
  • Regulate the use of the A\V Room resources to serve the educational interest and raise cultural awareness among students.
  • Consider the suggestions and views of users to be implemented as resources available.
  • Provide monthly reports, about the use and development of LRC.
  • Setup a master H&S plan for the Center base on the H&S needs analysis by the center staff and area.
  • Ensure that facilities, equipment and systems are maintained, in working condition and are safe and without risk to the health and safety of the students, staff, visitors and community at large.
  • Provide and publish guidelines for student and staff responsible for the labs, workshop and stores.
  • Arrange training for staff responsible for the labs, workshop, and store so as to be qualified in maintaining them, training student, and in providing first aid in case of an accident.
  • Provide necessary information and appropriate instructions and arrange for appropriate training to all staff/student on matter related to health and safety.
  • Report to the ETC HoC when necessary and produce semester and annual report on H&S in the center including recommendation and improvement and necessary changes.
  • Conduct meeting as necessary to organize and assign roles.
  • Study the area of development for each staff members thru staff appraisal.
  • Identify and analyze staff capacities to cover some needs thru in house training.
  • Creatively plan and support learning opportunities.
  • Link development plan to a performance plan for each staff.
  • Put in priority the area of development according to the department needs.
  • Allocate a training program for each staff as needed.
  • Arrange with different organization to get training opportunities.
  • Coordinate, facilitate and conduct training for staff according to the needs and availability of resources.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the conducted training programs through feedback.