
  • Conduct meetings as necessary to organize work and assign roles. Identify and analyze the training needs of all staff in the college.
  • Identify and analyze staff capabilities to cover some of the needs through in house training.
  • Assess the level of Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes (KSA) needed according to the Job Descriptions and through Staff Appraisals to identify the gaps.
  • Survey the training & development opportunities available in the I IR office of the MoM.
  • Survey the training & development opportunities which can be offered by other HEIs, public and private sector.
  • Set up a master plan across the college to train and develop staff according to the needs and available internal and external opportunities identified above.
  • Coordinate, facilitate and conduct training for the staff according to the needs and the master plan and in accordance with the sub-committees of different depts./centers.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the conducted training programs through feedback from all stakeholders.
  • The coordinator has to submit a report to the chairman about the progress of the work, achievements, challenges and opportunities for improvement.