• Follow the development and improvement of the Strategic Plan of the College and subsequently guiding the different departments/centers in developing and improving their operational plans.
  • Conduct regular meeting as agreed by the committee to set executive plans, fix responsibilities and deadlines.
  • Give consultation to the college management on the various strategic projects needed to attain quality standards as identified in its vision, mission and goals.
  • Plan and organize quality assurance and self- assessment awareness and training programs/ activities, e.g. seminars, conferences and training workshops in order to train the college staff and nurture quality standards in the College.
  • Coordinate and manage the quality cycle- self assessment activities of the College and ensure that quality standards are maintained.
  • Follow-up and schedule the review of the college strategic plan and operational plans of different college units considering feedback from all stakeholders.
  • Follow-up and schedule the review of policies and procedures related to the work of different college units considering feedback from all stakeholders.
  • Follow and coordinate the preparation and review of the Quality Audit Portfolio of the College.
  • Follow and coordinate the preparation and review of feedback reports of different college units as a response to audit reports/portfolio feedback of the QAI) of the Ministry.
  • Prepare regularly progress reports including proposals for improvements and submit copy to the Dean.
  • Carrying out any duties assigned by the College Dean.

General Responsibilities

  • Conduct meetings as needed to organize work, set college-wise plans, schedule tasks, distribute roles and document different activities.
  • All team members are required to coordinate and cooperate with each other for the integration of work.
  • The team should coordinate its activities with (he quality assurance follow-up committee QAI-'C and should work to meet the needs of the self-assessment groups.
  • Follow security measures in the gathering and analysis of data. Follow principles to avoid bias in the gathering and analysis of data.
  • Continuously, review and evaluate (the quality of its activities for improvement purposes. Prepare periodical reports on the committee work and activities and submit them to QAI-'C for review, and then to the College Dean.
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean or his deputy.

Feedback & Data-Gathering Tools Development

  • Perform a full need analysis of all required data collection & feedback tools in coordination with the QAI'C and the different self-assessment groups and as per the requirements of the OAAA and the College Strategic Plan.
  • Draft, develop and review the tools identified in point No. (1) above.
  • Perform a validity test for the developed tools and submit successful ones to the QAI'C for review and approval by the College Council.
  • Supervise the process of distribution & collection of the right sample and questionnaires to different stakeholders, taking into consideration security measures and prevention of bias.
  • Submit the collected feedback to the data analysis group and get it back after analysis to send a copy of the results to the concerned self- assessment group or the concerned dept/center.
  • The original copy of the gathered data and its analysis has to be documented in the QAI-'C office.
  • Copy the highly confidential feedback data and give it to the data analysis group for processing while keeping the original in a secured place in the QAI'C office.

Data Analysis Croup

  • Complete the process of data entry of the collected questionnaires using licensed applications like Microsoft Excel and SPSS.
  • Represent the entered data in charts/graphs, etc as per the specifications decided by the self-assessment groups and the QAI-'C, and provide all necessary statistical information with the results.
  • Archive and document all analyzed data (using electronic soft copy) and keep a backup with clear indexing for easy access in case of any need.
  • Meet the requirements of the college strategic plan and the QAM to develop/Improve a policy management system that accomplishes different college activities smoothly and accurately with an aim to achieve the college Mission & Vision.
  • Conduct meetings as required, committee or sub-committee wise to plan, schedule tasks, assign roles for the development, monitor and review of policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Each sub-committee should identify and prioritize unavailable/available policies/procedures/guidelines of its area of concern in coordination with QAFC and self-assessment groups and assign a member for the development/review of each policy based on experience and desire of members. For the available policies, it Is preferable to assign the review process to the developer of the particular policy taking into consideration the elapse of the implementation period and feedback from all stakeholders.
  • Make a survey to explore practices of reputable national and international educational Institutions and universities to make use of their experiences in the development & review process.
  • Circulate drafted/reviewed policies, procedures, guidelines to other members of the sub-committee and concerned college authority to collect feedback.
  • Follow iterative process in the drafting/amendment of developed/reviewed policies, procedures, guidelines till saturation is reached and no further comments from other members is received.
  • Forward the last drafted/reviewed version of the policy/ procedure/guideline to the QAFC for final review, then to the College Council for approval.
  • Send the approved policies, procedures and guidelines to the QAFC for archiving, publishing, and dissemination through all available channels in the college to start the cycle of implementation.
  • Monitor the implementation of all approved policies, procedures and guidelines and collect feedback from all stakeholders related to any obstacles/ problems or difficulties.
  • Each subcommittee has to submit reports to the chairman (Dean) about the work progress and any problems encountered if any with recommendations to improve the policy management system in the college.
  • Conduct meeting as necessary. Prepare and announce a draft copy of the4 exam time-table (for mid and final) at least two weeks before the start of exam.
  • Collect feedback from students so as to solve problems and clashes. Then to issue and announce the final copy of the time-table, a week before the start of the exams.
  • Determine the required number of exam halls and distribute students to them.
  • Determine the required number of invigilators and distribute them to exam halls.
  • Define duties of invigilators and ensure their awareness. Update exam rules and regulations and announcing them to students a week before the start of the exams.
  • Supervise the preparation of the exam halls and ensure the proper number and distribution of seats.
  • Follow-up the college exam policies and procedures to ensure full examination security.
  • Collect exam papers, at least two days before the start of exam of each course and preserve them in secured place.
  • Supervise the conduction of examinations and take care of any problems that may arise.
  • Follow-up any misconduct or breach of exam rules and regulations. Submit report about any malpractice/ misconduct to the Dean to take necessary actions
  • . Collect and submit, to course tutors answer sheet at the end of each exam. Archive and document all issues related to examinations.
  • Provide the Dean with reports about examinations including recommendation to improve exam procedures and ways to avoid problems.
  • Perform any other task assigned by the College Dean.
  • Take the lead in the implementation of the Risk Management Policy and Procedure of the college.
  • Conduct periodical meetings when necessary and as decided by the chairman and members of the committee.
  • Set a risk management operational plan for different activities of the college and set necessary measures to follow-up and monitor its implementation.
  • Intervene promptly and immediately in case of internal or external emergency risks. Also, set and implement emergency plans to deal with such risks to limit their effects.
  • Maintain and monitor a Risk Register for the college with input from sub-committees of different departments/centers and make an analysis of the different risks as necessary.
  • Create necessary awareness among students and staff to deal with relevant risks.
  • Identify training needs of staff and arrange/coordinate for training programs related to risk management.
  • Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the Risk Management Policy, different procedures and processes related to risk management.
  • Submit semester reports to the Dean in relation to the progress of the RMC work, problems faced and suggestions to improve the process of risk management in the College.
  • Perform any other task related to risk management as advised by the Dean/Deputy Dean.