
General Responsibilities

  • Conduct meetings as needed to organize work, set college-wise annual plans, assign roles and document different activities.
  • All team members are required to coordinate and cooperate with each other for integration of work.
  • Review and evaluate the quality of committee work for improvement purposes.
  • Prepare periodical reports on the committee's work and activities and submit them to the college Dean.
  • Perform any other tasks assigned by the Dean or his deputy.

Reception & Hospitality Team

  • Organize the reception and hospitality of visitors and guests for all college functions.
  • Provide support for the arrangement and organization of all ceremonies/celebrations in the college.
  • Prepare and update lists of invitees for the respective college functions/activities.

Media Team

  • Coordinate with centers/departments and other committees to follow-up and cover all extracurricular and recreational activities according to the college activity 4master plan.
  • Coordinating with ETC to advertise functions on the electronic notice boards and college website.
  • Cover all internal & external events/activities/ programs, prepare summaries and publish it in all internal & external channels after ensuring the approval of the college administration.
  • Monitor all online articles published by college staff and students in the free discussion forums.
  • Coordinate with college departments/centers and ETC to update each department/center profile on college website.
  • Coordinate with the Student Affairs to update Alumni details in the college website.
  • Prepare, design and publish magazines and approved posters for the college and the community.
  • Keep an archive (hard/electronic) of all relevant activities inside/ outside the college and for all articles announced in the media.

Marketing, Industry & Community Relations Team

  • Set up a unified master plan across the college for all activities that enhance & strengthen the relations of the college with the industry, other HEIs and the community at large, in coordination with departments/ centers.
  • Prepare and conduct college marketing programs for schools, organizations and the community.
  • Coordinate with OJT department to prepare and update lists of companies which provide support to the college and help seeking funds for student activities. Coordinate with  departments/centers to follow-up and organize mutual programs of training/seminars/ lectures between the college and industry/community/other HEIs.
  • Provide support for the arrangement to conduct conferences, workshops and job fairs in coordination with college departments/centers and committees.