
Guide for new Employees

  • Ask about the department's regulations, your responsibilities and the expected achievements from you.
  • Identify your department's mission, vision and objectives besides the vision and mission of the college.
  • Ask about the college laws, regulations and procedures.
  • Ask about the organizational structures of the college.
  • Ask about the working hours and the mechanism of thumbing in and thumbing out. Get the college email, the personal computer, the office telephone and the necessary procedures to order supplies for the office such as printer, fax, and any other device that necessary to your job.
  • Make a tour in the campus to get accustomed to the college departments and centers.
  • Ask about the holidays mechanism and rules/ Ask about how to receive your salary and the banks you can open an account in.
  • Ask about the car parking systems and how to get a car entry permission.
  • Ask about the staff registration system and get your staff code.
  • Follow up the college website to get the college updates.
  • Sign up in the electronic fingerprints system.