Managing Automatic Negative Thoughts

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Automatic Negative Thoughts(ANTs) can be conscious or subconscious and occur as a response to everyday actions and events. These thoughts are overwhelming, irrational, self-defeating, and may fuel social anxiety disorder.

The English language centre at UTAS- Ibri hosted a webinar titled Managing Automatic Negative Thoughts on March 18, 2021.

Sandra Stein introduced her audience to various vital concepts that aid an individual in overcoming negative automatic thoughts.

Sandra Stein holds a Master's degree in Education in Teaching English as a Second Language. She is a senior instructor at the American University of Kuwait, teaching both English and Education courses. As an educator for thirty years, Sandra has 25 years of experience working with people with learning difficulties.

Ms Sandra, in her session, focused on scientifically sound methods that help manage ANTs: The positive posture method and the four-step method designed by Dr Daniel Amen to recognize ANTs, determine the kinds of ANTs, different ways to challenge the ANTs and turn them into positive thoughts. She also mentioned the pivotal role of self-awareness and self-development in eliminating negative thoughts.The takeaway of the session was rich and informative. The tips shared were well received by the audience and they extended their heartfelt appreciation.

The English Language Centre lauded the efforts of Ms. Sandra Stein and the Professional Development Committee for sharing an informative session on ANTs.

Read 171 times Last modified on Monday, 29 March 2021 07:43
Monday, 29 March 2021 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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