Workshop on Academic Writing Review for Level 4 Students

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Research shows that active review sessions help students prepare for exams by allowing them to prioritize key concepts and information taught throughout the term and to build their knowledge and confidence for the exam process (Favero, 2011). 

The ELC English Society provided its first academic writing online review session for Level Four foundation students with the aim of providing them with an overview of what was expected of them for the writing exams. These sessions also gave students an opportunity to ask general or specific questions about the exam process and/or the content of the course. The session reviewed specific formulas involved in the academic writing process, including examples of line graph essays and argumentative essays which follow an IELTS-style format. 

The session, led by academic writing lecturer Sandra Bruce, was held on November 19, 2020.  Approxintaly 25 students were in attendance, including both foundation and post-foundation students who wanted to brush up on their knowledge of the academic writing process and ensure they were ready for the exam. Student feedback indicated that the session was useful and informative, and provided students with the confidence they needed to perform well on the final exam. They expressed gratitude for the organization of this review session, and an interest in future sessions. Subsequent review sessions for academic writing midterm and final exams will be conducted, either in person or online, as a resource for foundation students to continue to grow in their English language skills.  


Favero, T. G. (2011). Active review sessions can advance student learning. Advances in 

Physiology Education, 35, pp, 247-8.

Read 269 times Last modified on Thursday, 01 July 2021 09:57
Thursday, 01 July 2021 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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