Storytelling in Education: Interactive Storytelling Techniques for All Learning Styles 

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"Facts alone may be easily forgotten; give them a story they'll never forget," says Eva Grayzel, a master storyteller with a profound conviction that comes from her varied experience. She plunges into the hearts of her audience with hope and humour.

An online presentation by Ms Eva Grayzel on Storytelling in Education: Interactive Storytelling Techniques for All Learning Styles on Thursday October 7, 2021 at UTAS-Ibri, convinced the audience to choose storytelling as one of the prime strategies to engage their students productively.

Ms Eva Grayzel, a master storyteller and motivational speaker, urged her audience to invest in storytelling to churn out the best from students. She persuaded her audience to use storytelling techniques to boost self-esteem, enhance retention, and ignite students' imagination. Active involvement in storytelling sessions to deliver messages on goals/values/facts/and messages will help them to develop a robust personality. She also suggested that teachers customize stories and help students to get connected. She introduced storytelling as one of the prime strategies that open the door for all learning styles. 

She recommended storytelling as a technique to achieve multi-sensory learning, discover how to introduce new subjects, teach vocabulary words, reinforce social skills and emphasize life values while engaging imaginations and minds.

Eva's blend of storytelling and real-life experience kept the audience riveted.

Presenter's Profile:

Ms Eva Grayzel is a popular storyteller and a motivational speaker. She was also pursuing a career as an actress in New York City. Eva's interactive storytelling techniques were seen nationwide at school assembly programs, educational keynotes at Professional Day conferences and Teacher-In-Service programs.


Read 218 times Last modified on Thursday, 14 October 2021 10:45
Thursday, 14 October 2021 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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