Review of Related Literature

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The growing importance of research at academic colleges of education can help teachers identify, conceptualize problems, activities and outcomes related to teaching and learning. Scholarly research is an effective medium for the knowledge -seekers to exchange their know-how.

The Research and Consultancy committee of the English Language Center at UTAS-Ibri hosted the second webinar titled Lecture Series 2: Writing the Review of Related Literature for Publication on Thursday, 11 November 2021 by Dr Maria Elena Paulma.

Dr Maria began her presentation with a succinct and pithy definition of the literature review. A literature review broadly includes guiding concepts, surveys, scholarly sources on a specific topic, an overview of current knowledge and gaps in existing research. 

She stated that a literature review equips the researcher information seeking ability and critical appraisal. She further added how organizing the thesis one is developing, summary, areas of controversy, and formulating questions that need further research help the researcher write a literature review.

Ms Maria concluded her presentation with a quick ready reckoner for RRL. The webinar proved to be a great channel to further research activities at the ELC.


Dr Maria Elena-Paulma has a doctorate in creative writing from the University of the Philippines-Diliman. She is a Palanca winner, which the Pulitzer Prize of the Philippines and was a fellow in the 2016 Fullbright Senior Scholar’s program. 

Read 147 times Last modified on Tuesday, 16 November 2021 07:02
Tuesday, 16 November 2021 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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