A Bait on the Hook to Catch on Students’ Motivation

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A novel presentation by Ms Saoussen Jilani engaged the audience on February 23, 2022, at the ELC, UTAS-Ibri. Ms Saoussen states that efficient speakers demonstrate energy and power and engage the audience. She further stated that a guest speaker requires a suite of abilities to make transformative experiences for audiences. According to her, a great orator should entertain the audience, energize them, be creative, and be a role model; they should present themselves as the source of inspiration and be the light of hope.

Ms Jilani shared a presentation assessment rubric that was a kind of ready reckoner for the first time, virtual guest speakers. The takeaways were rich, and the audience had many novel tips waiting to get executed.

Ms Saoussen Jilani was awarded a certificate of appreciation on behalf of the English Language Center, UTAS-Ibri.


Saoussen Jilani is a lecturer at the Higher Institute of Health and Medical Techniques in Tunisia. Currently, she teaches medical English to the first year and second-year students of obstetrics and prosthetics. Her main preoccupation is to engage such students in the English course actively and therefore use it for external reasons that far exceeds the borders of a classroom.

Read 170 times
Monday, 14 March 2022 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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