English Society Visits Al Ghalia School

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Serving the community is the dictum of English society in various forms. The school visit is a part of the action plan for the Students’ Activities Committee in the ELC. The prominent members of the English Society paid a visit to Al Ghalia School on October 13, 2022. The best feedback ever received from school administration for the activities that the team members did, during their visit for students in grades 10, 11, and 12. During the visit, Dr. Mohsen spoke about the importance of learning English, personality, and interpersonal skills to students by engaging them in QA. He also explained the importance of teachers’ attitudes and methodologies in motivating students to some teachers who attended the session from other schools.

Later on, the second lead of the committee, Ms. Adeebah, gave a productive presentation on using technology and games in learning English. Mr. Mataz, and Ms. Maitha, the vice presidents of English society, represented their views on life at the college or university level to students. They demonstrated a professional gesture with their presentations. One of the alumni of the Al Ghalia school shared his views on the keys to success. Mr. Abdulkarim, the head of peer tutoring, impressed all the audience with his articulate and motivational speech on top learning skills. At the end, a small competition was conducted by the English society members for the participants. Three winners were awarded on behalf of the ELC. The English Society received two more invitations from other schools at the end of ceremony.

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Tuesday, 25 October 2022 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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