Phases and Limitations of Online Education in the 21st Century

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Dr Yosra Sellami-Sellami, from Tunisia, shared her views at Global ELT seminar hosted by the ELC, UTAS, Ibri on 13 December, 2022. Her presentation was on Phases and Limitations of Online Education in the 21st Century. She gave an interesting account of post covid-19 Pandemic changes all over the world with special reference to the education sector. According to Dr Yosra governments all over the world resorted to cut off with the face-to-face instruction and adopted online alternatives. Consequently, there was a reshuffle of teachers’ and learners’ functions and also in the use of technological devices, such as iPads and computers, which became the new medium of communication between teacher and students and between students themselves. She further added that Success in an online framework depends primarily on the teacher’ ability to enhance students’ motivation and keep them highly engaged during the teaching-learning process because some learners may prefer the traditional setting of education to the online engagement.


Dr Yosra Sellami-Sellami, Tunisia, Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Sfax, Tunisia. She is a Doctor of Applied Linguistics. She received her doctorate from the Faculty of Letters and Humanities of Sfax, Tunisia. She is a reviewer at the Anatolian Journal of Education (AJE); International Journal of Language and Linguistics; International Journal of English Teaching and Learning; and a member in the editorial board of the International Education Studies and Sustainability Journal.

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Tuesday, 20 December 2022 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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