Using Smartboard Projector Stylus with Soft Copies

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As technology has become an integral part of language teaching, it becomes inevitable for teachers to update themselves with the relevant teaching technology to make teaching–learning process meaningful, effective and productive. It becomes all the more important for teachers to be familiar with using smartboards in the classroom.
The classrooms at UTAS-Ibri ELC are well equipped with smartboard projectors which can be used to project all kinds of data like pictures, documents and videos. In light of this, My Syam and Mr T. Rao conducted a workshop on May 11 2023 at UTAS-Ibri for ELC teachers on using the stylus effectively on a smartboard.
It was a refreshing session for many and helped especially those teachers who were new to the system. Their efforts were highly appreciated and there was a request for similar sessions in future.
Profiles of the Speakers Jabez Syam and Tatha Rao are ELT practitioners over a decade and a half. Besides teaching they present in national and international conferences, write research papers for international journals, produce materials and supports ELC Committee activities. They are interested in linguistics, language teaching and educational technology.

Read 93 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 June 2023 05:28
Tuesday, 16 May 2023 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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