Writing for publication in journals: things I wish I’d known before I got started

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Nigel Harwood


Nigel Harwood, from University of Sheffield, a former co-editor of the Elsevier Journal English for Specific Purposes, an author of articles, books and book chapters, gave an online presentation to the researchers/lecturers of University of Technology & Applied Sciences on 15th November 2023. It was a highly informative session. He threw light on the points a journal considers while accepting or rejecting an article for publishing. He said that a journal usually rejects articles, but, sometimes it asks for a revision and resubmission. The reviewers spot mistakes or omissions in the article. He advised the researchers to address all the points highlighted by the reviewers before resubmission. Nigel Harwood also discussed differences between highly prestigious and fake journals. PSC staff also participated in this activity and they appreciated this thought provoking presentation.

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Tuesday, 21 November 2023 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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