PSC Staff Meeting

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The head of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) held a 2nd staff meeting on March 7, 2024. Dr. Sultan Hamed Hilal Al Ghafri, chaired the meeting. The meeting was held at Lecture Theatre, in the Engineering Department building. Besides English language lecturers, Math and IT lecturers also attended it. Addressing the attendees, Dr. Sultan welcomed the new HoUs, Mr Sultan Al Sawafi and Ms Werda, on assuming their offices. Dr. Sultan also thanked Dr. Mryam Al Ghafri and Dr. Pugalarasu Rajan for their great services for the Centre as HoUs. He also appreciated Mr Ghanim for his services as Examination Coordinator who is replaced by Mohammed Al Shamakhi.

Highlighting the teaching concerns, Dr. Sultan stressed the need of using Student Centered Learning techniques for teaching and learning. He encouraged the staff to use such techniques that require students’ involvement and self-learning. The classroom seating arrangement should be organized in such a way that it would encourage students’ teamwork or group work, and peer learning.

Talking about teachers’ leave or emergency absence, he stressed that the staff must follow the procedure for leave application through portal, and inform the relevant coordinator about their leave or absence from duty. In case of any concerns or issues, the staff should contact the immediate person at the level or unit and proceed through proper channels before approaching the last authority for such matters.

Dr. Sultan briefed about the slight changes in the internal rules for students’ tardiness. Regarding the students’ attendance, he urged upon the teachers to enter students’ attendance in CIMS regularly. If someone is absent or sick, it’s student’s concern to inform registration department.

Explaining the Ejaada evaluation procedure, Dr. Sultan said that an achievement is an “action that goes beyond duties and responsibilities, and contributes to the improvement of operations, services, or the work environment…”. He said that only those lecturers’ names are forwarded for rewards who meet the above criteria.

At the end of this gathering Dr. Sultan thanked all the staff for their continuous efforts in providing quality education to the students. At the end, the attendees were served with refreshment and a group photo of the staff was taken.

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Sunday, 17 March 2024 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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