Active Learning Methods (ALMs) in Student-Centered Learning

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SPD Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC) conducted a training session for the staff on “Introduction to Active Learning Methods (ALMs) in Student-Centered Learning”. Dr. Suresh Rasapan was the presenter, and the staff from all units of PSC attended this activity. The presenter focused on the importance of ALMs in teaching and learning. Active learning is an essential process in which individuals actively engage with learning materials and tailor their methods to their unique learning styles. The passive act of verbalization alone does not guarantee comprehension; rather, active participation through reading, writing, discussing, and reflecting is necessary. Active Learning Methods (ALMs) are recommended because they involve multiple parts of the brain, requiring students to actively process information. According to Silberman, “When learning is active, students do most of the work”. Active learning places the primary responsibility on students, promoting higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation, as opposed to passive listening. This study underscores the significance of active engagement in the learning process, leading to deeper understanding and retention of knowledge. At the end of this session, Dr. Sultan Al Ghafri, HOC, gave away a certificate of appreciation to the presenter. The participants showed keen interest in this activity and gave quite positive response.

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Sunday, 07 April 2024 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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