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Staff Professional Development Committee of Preparatory Studies Centre (PSC)) conducted a professional training session entitled: “Students’ Motivation”” on Thursday, April4, 2024. The presenter was Mr. Shahzad Ahmad, PSC staff member. The session mainly focused on the research that he has conducted on the types of motivation and how they influence on the learners’ performance. These types cannot be clearly separated as they overlap one another. However, the knowledge of these divisions can help the teachers to guess what the hurdles are there for the students’ learning and how they can be motivated. If there is lack of intrinsic motivation, then no one can show maximum interest in the studies. Extrinsic motivation also plays an important role in the performance of the students, such as good grades would help them getting good job, higher salary, or admission at the reputed institutions. Teachers’ role is very important in this regard. They should try to know the causes of students’ lack of interest in studies, and then try to motivate them accordingly. After the session, there followed a fruitful discussion on the same topic and the participants asked some probing questions on this issues. At the end, MS Cara, Level 4 Coordinator, gave away a certificate and some gifts to the presenter. The session was received well with positive feedback from the participants.

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Monday, 08 April 2024 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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