Magical AI Tools for teachers

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In this age of stupendous transformation in technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has got the focus of the world. There is no such domain in the world, which has not been influenced by AI, and teaching and learning is one of them. AI has opened new horizons in teaching and learning __ from top notch teaching tools to efficient self-learning platforms; using latest infographics, AV aids, and other engaging techniques. In order to keep the lecturers abreast of latest developments in teaching and learning, PSC Staff Professional Development committee organized a concurrent training session for the staff on April 25, 2024. The topic of the workshop was “Magical AI Tools for Teachers”. Ms Adeeba Al Swafi, PSC staff member conducted this training session.


This PD workshop focused on introducing teachers to magical AI teaching tools that can enhance their teaching methods. The workshop covered various AI websites that can be incorporated into lesson plans and assignments, making the learning experience more interactive and engaging for the students. Ms Adeeba gave practical demonstration of using various AI tools in order to create support materials such as lesson plans, PPTs, grammar exercises, reading, writing, listening and speaking activities. It was very enlightening session and the participants showed keen interest in the AI’s tools. At the end, the moderator Mohammad Aslam, thanked Ms Adeeba for her wonderful presentation and gave away a certificate of appreciation on behalf of PSC. The participants expressed their desire to have such sessions again.

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Tuesday, 30 April 2024 00:00 Written by  English Language Centre In ELC
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