Workshop in ELC

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The Staff Development Committee, ELC organized a training workshop on Bloom's Taxonomy on the 22nd of May 2018. Mr. Joseph Vadakel and Mr. Jose Chandapillai (ELC Staff Members) conducted it. They said “Bloom's Taxonomy is one the big challenges teachers face when teaching receptive skill". Dr. Sultan (Head of ELC) emphasized that Bloom's Taxonomy is so crucial in setting learning outcomes and deciding assessment tools.   Mr. Faisal Shamali, Head of Staff Development Committee stated that Bloom's Taxonomy theory has developed its relevance to planning the lessons and testing students leaning achievements. At the end, Ms. Sharon Ruth (ELC Senior Lecturer) handed over the certificates to the presenters. 

Read 600 times Last modified on Tuesday, 03 July 2018 06:25
Tuesday, 29 May 2018 00:00 Written by  Mr.Khalid AlGharibi In ELC Tags
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