Professional Development

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Professional Development is a continual process and crucial part of an educator’s life. How many of us truly understand and know what it takes to be a professional? This may sound easy and a subject that is widely discussed but sadly, 7/10 teachers in the Middle East do not actually know what is professionalism and how to achieve their goals efficiently. A training workshop titled “ The Essence of Professional Development” was conducted on 25.12.2018 at Ibri college of Technology and it was an initiative of Professional Development Committee of The English Language Centre. The presenter, Ms Fatmah A. Ali, (Vice-President of MEET-ATIS) discussed the core differences between a teacher and an educator along with the PD cycle, differences between traditional PD and visionary PD.  She also threw light on strategies to enhance professionalism and myths associated with it.  SWOT analysis was also a significant part of the workshop.  The presenter shared some interesting tips with the teachers to encourage them to become true professionals. 

Read 460 times Last modified on Sunday, 26 May 2019 07:11
Sunday, 26 May 2019 00:00 Written by  Mr Faisal Ibrahim Kasim Al Shamali In ELC
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