Awareness Session on Documentation Policy in the English Language Centre

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Presenting information through official templates of various documents in an organized way, adds the touch of authenticity. Documentation is a prominent activity of quality assurance in the college and it strives to adhere to the strict standards of presenting documentation.  As part of the process, the quality assurance coordinator, Ms Zahra Zohair Arab, conducted an awareness session on the documentation policy for English Language Centre staff on 8 October 2019, in VIP room. The session focused on different elements of templates to be used for different purposes. The objective of the session was to maintain uniformity in the documentation process across all colleges of technology using prescribed templates. She also took the staff through a series of guidelines on formatting, indexing, version control and revision while preparing a document. Ms Zahra highlighted the importance of the plagiarism policy and conveyed that deviation from the set rules is not accepted. The session ended with a description of a proposed layout of the standard document structure.

Read 550 times Last modified on Sunday, 19 April 2020 09:59
Thursday, 19 December 2019 00:00 Written by  Ms Anuradha Dorepally and Mr Faisal Shamali  In ELC
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