Microsoft Teams for Educators

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Change is constant and challenging. Educators at UTAS, IbriCT have been embracing changes and challenges with utmost professionalism. The covid-19 pandemic has compelled the educators across the world to come up with various alternative and encourage the students to continue with their education.

The English Language Center at IbriCT, conducted a series of workshops titled “Microsoft Teams for Educators” scheduled on September, 1,2,9, and 10, 2020 for the teachers who taught different levels of foundation and post foundation programs. a The presenter, Ms Maha Al Hosn,i demonstrated how Micro teams can be used to conduct online classes. She oriented teachers on various aspects and features of MS Teams. She made teachers conversant with various functions of chat, how to schedule meetings using calendar, to mark attendance, share different kinds of files to the students, and many more.

The following teacher received training on Microsoft Teams:

Workshop 1 for Level 2 and Technical Writing 1 Lecturers

Workshop 2 for Level 3 and Technical Communication Lecturers

Workshop 3 for Level 1 and Public Speaking Lecturers 

Workshop 4 for Level 4 and Technical Writing 2 Lecturers

The training instilled confidence in the teachers and also became a platform to explore more to make their classes innovative and interesting.

Dr Abdusalam appreciated her hardworking and Mr Faisal Al Shamali thanked Ms Maha for her commitment and sincere efforts.

Read 301 times Last modified on Monday, 14 September 2020 10:35
Monday, 14 September 2020 00:00 Written by  Ms Anuradha Dorepally and Mr Faisal Shamali In ELC
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