Teaching Online: Fresh Ideas to Start the New Academic Year

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COVID-19 has changed the whole world. It has also affected the academic arenas of schools, colleges and universities. The teachers have faced a new challenge of teaching online. They are upgrading themselves day by day. The ELC of UTAS arranged a workshop on “Teaching online: Fresh ideas to start the new academic year”. Isabella Keilani, the presenter, is a language coach and communication skills expert based in Graz, Austria. She is highly passionate about teaching online and has a great interest in this area. 

In the workshop, she shared her engaging and memorable learning experiences about teaching online. She also discussed strategies about how to keep the learners motivated. Her brain-friendly, inclusive tasks and activities made her workshop all the more interesting.  

At the end of the workshop, Dr Abdusalam, the head of Center, and Mr Faisal Shamali thanked Isabella Keilani for sharing her experiences.

Read 168 times Last modified on Tuesday, 06 October 2020 10:22
Tuesday, 06 October 2020 00:00 Written by  Mr Mohammed Amir and Mr Faisal Shamali In ELC
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