Microsoft Teams as an Interactive Tool for Online Teaching

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Educators with the right skills are an asset to the organisation they work for. Training at regular intervals expands the base of their knowledge and instils confidence in them and helps them become productive and efficient.

The E-Learning and Professional Development committees at UTAS-Ibri, took the initiative to conduct a training session on using MS Teams for the English Language Centre staff on 13 October 2020. Dr Abed Ali Mohammed from the Department of Business Studies was invited to conduct an online training session titled “Microsoft Teams as an Interactive Tool for Online Teaching.”

As Microsoft Teams is an official platform for teaching, teachers need to become conversant with the various functions to enhance online teaching and learning quality.

Dr Abed focused on disabling incoming videos, conducting live polls during classes, channel Management and its usage in MS Teams, creating assignments, and grading, creating and conducting quizzes. He also shared his top five tips for course teachers to make online classes interactive and productive. 

The quick tips he shared were like a ready reckoner for the teachers. The live demonstration was very fruitful, and the takeaways were customised and rich.

The English Language Centre extended its heartfelt thanks to Dr Abed for sharing an interesting and informative presentation.

Dr Abdulsalam Makhtoum Ali Al Manthari praised the efforts exerted, and Dr Abed was awarded with a certificate of appreciation.

Read 248 times Last modified on Wednesday, 21 October 2020 08:08
Wednesday, 21 October 2020 00:00 Written by  Ms Anuradha Dorepally and Mr Faisal Shamali In ELC
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