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The SDC and RCC of the Engineering Department organised a programme on “IoT sensors and smart sensors” as an initiation of TEQUP series on 10 March 2021 from 2 to 2.45 pm by Dr V. Ilankumaran, HoS/EEE (Engineering Department), delivered the presentation for the benefit of the staff members. He started the presentation by stating the special features of IOT sensors Smart sensors for IOE Industry IoT sensors (IIoT) and the practical implementation of sensors. His presentation was mainly focused on recent trends in current and evolving technologies and technical issues. A smart sensor also incorporates software-defined elements that provide functions such as data conversion, digital processing and communication to external devices. Finally, he briefed applications of sensors in various fields.


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Wednesday, 17 March 2021 00:00 Written by  Mr R. Devasenathipathy In Engineering
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