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 DR. SUJATA PANICKER, was a very active, always on-the-go, and enthusiastic woman.  Whenever she was in the campus, she would often be seen moving with a lot of energy and in a state of urgency and excitement.

She was always willing to help and assist in whatever way she could at work.  She volunteered to teach her colleagues needing guidance on how things are done in the Department, and would readily share her files, forms, and resources.

She was involved in most of the activities, programs, and events organized by the Department since the start.  She was a coordinator or a committee member for the Engineering Society, SORESA, Engineering Technofest, CASET, and various symposia, conferences, seminars, and workshops.

She was passionate about her job and Chemistry; she loved to read and do research about what's the latest in her field.  

She acted as the Team Leader and Supervisor of several RG, TRC, and URG Projects. A couple of the projects she supervised even won National Awards in the Sultanate.

To the Engineering Staff, she was more than a colleague, she was an elder sister and a dear friend, who spent time to ask how things were in their personal and family lives.  She would invite friends and colleagues over to dine with her and her family from time to time.

As a teacher, she was fixture in the Chemistry Lab and Classroom, as well as in Introduction to Renewable Energy courses.  She taught with zeal and exuberance; students might have found some of the lessons difficult but the classes were never boring.

She was also very competitive; she loves joining contests of wit and knowledge, and during her younger days, she was into sports.

Dr. Sujata, as a pioneer member of the Engineering Department Family, will be missed by everyone whose lives she has touched.  As we mourn her sudden passing, may we be comforted that the life that she lived while she was with us had been great and worthwhile.

Nasser Al-Shammakhi

HoD, Engineering




Read 264 times Last modified on Monday, 12 April 2021 08:44
Sunday, 11 April 2021 00:00 Written by  Engineering Department In Engineering
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