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A virtual industrial visit to Hydroelectric Power Plant was organised by the OJT and Industrial link Committee, Engineering Department, for diploma and bachelor students of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering students on 25 March 2021 to enhance students’ knowledge on the real time process of hydroelectric energy conversion in power plants.

Twenty-five students attended the virtual session at 10 AM, and were briefed by the Mr Veera Nagi Reddy, lecturer, UTAS-Ibri, about the major components of a hydroelectric power plant and their functions. The following were shown to the students virtually and explained to them with help of 3D images.

  • Aerial view of hydroelectric power plant;
  • The reservoir and dam
  • Gate house and Spillway
  • Powerhouse
  • Turbines
  • Breaker room
  • Substation and surge tanks
  • Control room


The students were able to understand the internal working of hydroelectric power plant through this virtual presentation. It was an informative session for students in learning concepts of power plant engineering.

Read 256 times Last modified on Monday, 12 April 2021 08:55
Monday, 12 April 2021 00:00 Written by  Mr. Veera Nagi Reddy. V In Engineering
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