Introduction to Satellite Communications

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The Research and Consultancy Committee of the Engineering Department organised a programme “Introduction to Satellite Communications” on 17 June 2021 at 10 am. Mr Antony Judice Alexcius Victor, lecturer, Electronics and Communication Engineering, Engineering Department, UTAS-Ibri, delivered the presentation for the benefit of staff members. He shared information about the satellite parts and Telemetry and Tracking Control (TT and C) System. During his presentation he briefed about the various applications of Satellite Communications in military, defence, and aerospace applications. He broadly covered the technical aspects behind the various types of satellites and their role in satellite orbits (GEO, MEO and LEO). He also emphasised the importance of the International Space Station (ISS), Hubble telescope and ongoing space exploration endeavours (Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Sun) etc. He also detailed the working of telecom satellites and its antennas. Finally he concluded the session by briefing the research involvement of various organisations like NASA, ESA, ISRO, Roscosmos, CNSA etc. and their milestones in this field. Research trends in satellite communication engineering such as Cubesat, Picosat, reusable launch vehicles, and the Mars mission were also briefly presented.   The presentation was well received by the staff members with very good interaction. Around 35 staff members participated in this event. The RCC specially thanks Mr Feslin Anish Mon and Mr Joel Livin (external participants) for their participation and involvement in this programme. 

Read 139 times Last modified on Monday, 28 June 2021 10:03
Monday, 28 June 2021 00:00 Written by  Dr G. Kumaravel In Engineering
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